Intellectual property can help a business compete with other major players in the same industry. Patents allow businesses to improve upon existing processes and products. Copyrighted creations can be sources of revenue or important for company branding. Many...
Business Litigation
Documentation is key to resolving employee lawsuits
Employee lawsuits can be very damaging for otherwise successful companies. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to defend against litigation. Even if the company prevails in court, any media attention on the lawsuit could damage its reputation as a business and an...
3 of the top reasons employees file lawsuits against businesses
Every new hire at an organization is a potential source of organizational liability. Workers can mistreat each other, leading to harassment claims. They can make mistakes that lead to customer or client complaints. They could also eventually take the company to court,...
Has a former worker violated a confidentiality agreement?
Many businesses in California have a vested interest in protecting their trade secrets. Information ranging from proprietary manufacturing processes to supplier lists can give an organization a competitive edge and help it remain profitable. Whenever organizations...
Defending against a breach of contract claim
Many businesses in Oakland enter complex contracts with vendors, clients and other businesses. These documents are an essential part of business development, but there are times when one party argues that you breached the contract and owe them damages. Do you have any...
Are non-competes enforced in California?
As an employer, you entrust you employees with critical information regarding the business, such as private business processes, your client base and trade secrets. But what if a critical employee is fired or decides to leave the company for other employment...
What is required of employers after discrimination allegations?
In California, the current employment landscape has placed employers on the defensive. While it is undoubtedly positive that employees who are subjected to workplace discrimination and harassment are increasingly free to voice their complaints about how they have been...
Know how to defend yourself in a workplace discrimination case
A lot of time, effort, and money has gone into building your business’s reputation. As strong as that reputation may seem, it can all come crashing down when someone brings forth allegations of wrongdoing. One of the most damaging claims that can damage your business...